On eve of voting in 2024 general elections

10 years ago did 38% Indians just got crazy? Were they gaga? Were they head over heels about a man masquerading as a protagonist bringing “good days“? Was his aura real or fabricated by Gujarati/Parsi industrialists out to pump their own valuations to 100s of billions? The personality facade was formidable. It was crafted by 2 of the sharpest advertisement minds on earth ( Piyush Pandey of Ogilvy Mather, and Prasoon Joshi of McCann Ericsson ) They took only some millions and served an economy of 3 trillion to their feet ). An astute election strategist ( Prashant Kishore) was roped in to set the massive mouse trap. Hoi- polloi fell on them like mice in Pied piper.. Giga tons of lies, religious propraganda rained cats and dogs on India. This built up a wicked mirage of illusory corruption. With entire media eco system bullied and bought, people found it impossible to see through the sorcery. Media houses blinded the people with 2G case. Venal liar and turncoat CAG Vinod Rai claimed a corruption of astronomical 1.76 lakh crores ( $20 Bn) and whipped up hysteria like no one had . On examination, SC said presumptive loss could be Rs 25,000 crore ( $3 Billion) // 15% of what liar Rai claimed. Finally SC concluded it, was ZERO loss and no corruption.. Supreme court said that 2G corruption allegations were all gas, no deodorant. The damage to nation however was momentous and irreversible. No criminality was establsihed in 2G case but ugly scheme of Sanghis worked.. The lies took 3 yrs to be exposed but the intended beneficiaries made a killing for ever. Vinod Rai was rewarded quid pro quo, 7 star luxury retirement resort type assignments ( BCCI head , etc) . Kejriwal became CM of Delhi ( Now controls an annual ad budget of 489+ crore an year, just for Delhi. His previous take home as govt employee was not even 2 lakh). Prasoon Joshi became the chief of NSD, then the censor board chief and a mssive contract from the BJP govt for his firm. The worst of all, the fraud propagandist with a fake degree became PM of India. Almost a monarch with no checks and balances who would pass ugly ordiances, drakonian laws and idiotic taxation systems.. The hedonistic narcissist would call himself a fuckeer but fly in 2,000 crore flying palaces and ride atop 200 crore Range rovers and wear million rupee suits. Power corrupted him and absolute power corrupted him absolutely. The craze and adulation for the demagogue paralleled one of the most disgraceful human ever to come out of any woman’s womb. That monster was born in Austria and lived in Germany in early 20th century. The educated idiots with degrees turned into bigots. With zero discretion or discernment, they became his indefatigable devotees. I could sense the ugliness of the fraudster early on in 2014 and wrote why these advertisements cant fool me ever and I would never vote for fascist thugs but who am I ? Just a commoner in an ocean of of 1,000 Mn voters, 380 Mn of who are already drunk on pseudo Hindutava and misplaced nationalism.. Today, the fraudster is on sunset of his dream run. He has lost much of his sheen. His speeches are ugly, uninspirational and idiotic. He is lame without a teleprompter. A coward, when faced with a resolute journo. He is an eternal chicken who dreads press conference. The folks like Prashant Kishore, Piyush Pandey have deserted him, though that Joshi dude still sucks up with “ Kitni fuckeeri hai aap mein “. His electoral bonds scandal is for real and proven. It runs into billions but the trillions he and his gang have pocketed in the last decade is enough to have a majority control on electronic, digital and print media. Most of the dumbheads view him as incarnation of some god/shod and some others call him a less ugly choice amongst pack of wolves that Indian politicians are. The narrative of the most massive electoral financial scam is no where to be talked about. Its burried under tonnes of cowdung.

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